The webinar organised by the IIPE`s Centre for International Organisations and International Law, where spoke Prof. Math Noortmann, Coventry University, Prof. Igor Pellicciari, University of Urbino, Prof. Philipp Pattberg, University of Amsterdam, Prof. Miloš Šolaja, University of Banja Luka, Dr Annyssa Bellal, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Dr Sanja Kreštalica, University of East Sarajevo as well as Dr Duško Dimitrijević, Dr Jelica Gordanić, Dr Miloš Jončić and Dr Mihajlo Vučić – all IIPE researchers – discussed a number of issues and dilemmas in the field of the role of non-state actors in international law, economics and politics. The webinar discussed the conceptual difference between national and international law, on the one hand, and transnational law, on the other, debated international law and the sovereignty of states in the international order, and argued that the concept of individual subjectivity in international law always depends on the time period in which the research is conducted, a number of questions are open regarding the criteria for funding NGOs, it was pointed out that there is a growing influence of non-state actors in the field of biodiversity conservation, as well as controversial issues of rights and obligations of armed non-state actors, and that their designation only as perpetrators of violations in international law does not contribute to respect for dialogue in international humanitarian law. The discussion was centred on the role of non-governmental organisations in different countries as well as their comprehensive influence in different areas of public policy making.