Home News IIPE Discussion Panel Series

IIPE Discussion Panel Series

South Caucasus: Reactivated Hotspot

The Institute of International Politics and Economics organized a round table entitled “South Caucasus: Reactivated Hotspot”. Speakers at the event included Dr. Dušan Proroković,...

Current developments in international economy

The Institute of International Politics and Economics held a panel discussion "Current trends in the international economics". Professor Marko Malović Dean of the Faculty...

Escalation of the Middle Eastern Hotspot?

In the organization of the Centre for Neighbouring and Mediterranean Countries of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, an internal meeting “Escalation of...

The Year of the Ukrainian Conflict – Challenges and Perspectives in the Balkans in...

The Institute оf International Politics and Economics has organized an internal round table “The Year of the Ukrainian Conflict - Challenges and Perspectives in...

The policies of EU member states towards the migrant issue

Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies of the Institute of International Politics and Economics organized a webinar with national participation titled "The policies of EU member...

Three Decades Since the Beginning of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration

On 24 June 2021, the Institute of International Politics and Economics (IIPE) held an online round-table conference on the topic “Three Decades Since the...

Online panel discussion on Biden’s visit to Europe and Russian-American relations

IIPE held an online panel discussion on the Biden's visit to Europe and the state and perspectives of Russian-American relations. The meeting was addressed...

Serbian-Israeli relations between history and perspectives

IIPE Centre for Neighbouring and Mediterranean countries (CNMC) organised online round table ”Serbian-Israeli relations − History and perspectives”. The round table was officially opened...

Military neutrality in Eurasia: politics and art of modern balancing

IIPE`s Centre for Eurasian Studies organised an online round table “Military neutrality in Eurasia: Politics and art of modern balancing“. The round table was...

Regional Security on the Balkans: State and Tendencies

The Institute of International Politics and Economics and the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, organised a discussion panel “Regional Security in...