This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. As part of the joint celebration of the jubilee, the Library and Information Center of the Institute of International Politics and Economics has prepared an exhibition of books that are part of the fund of the UN Depository Library and books on the United Nations published by our Institute in previous decades. You can visit the IIPE virtual exhibition HERE, and you can also see the one prepared by the United Nations at the following link:

The Library and Information Center has three depository libraries, one of which is the United Nations Depository Library. It was founded up in 1948 and it includes the majority of the printed materials published by this international organisation and its commissions and specialised agencies (Economic Commission for Europe, Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Economic Commission for Africa, Economic Commission for Latin America, International Law Commission, UNCTAD, WTO, ILO, and others).