Dejan Mihailović

E- mail:


  • Full professor with tenure, University Tecnológico de Monterrey, México; Faculty of Social Sciences; Department of Political Sciences and International Relations (since 1999)

Leadership functions:

  • Director of the Center for Social Research; Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. (2001-2006)

Teaching duties (courses):

Undergraduate: Political Philosophy, Geopolitics and Global Change.

MA: Etic and politics.

PhD: Critical theory and postmodern.


Graduated in Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (1980-1985)

Postgraduate studies:


  • Faculty of Philosophy, National Autonomous University of Mexico; study program: Latin American Studies (major: philosophy); MSc thesis: “Marx, Utopia and the Other New World” (1990-1992)


  • Faculty of Philosophy, National Autonomous University of Mexico; study program: Latin American Studies (major: philosophy); doctoral dissertation: “Comparative analysis of the transition to democracy in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe” (1996-1999)

Visiting teaching:

  • Visiting Professor, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil (2005 – ongoing).
  • Visiting Professor, Harvard University, (John Kennedy School of Government) United States (2010)
  • Visiting professor, University of Novi Sad, (procedure in process).

Prizes and awards:

  • Medal “Gabino Barreda” for the success achieved in doctoral studies (2000).
  • Medal of Merit in Scientific Research, National University of Costa Rica, 2016.

Scientific project management (selected references):

  • Preparation and development of the Dictionary of Latin American Philosophy, National Autonomous University of México (2000)
  • Geopolitics and the global order: opportunities for the New Meridianism, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México (2006-2010)
  • Cognitive capitalism and geopolitics of virtual space, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México (2018-2021)

Publications (selected references):


(2003) Democracia como utopía (Democracy as Utopias). México: Miguel Ángel Porrúa Editores.

(2005) Pulsos de la Modernidad (Pulses of modern) México: Plaza & Valdés Editores.

(2007) Desarrollo e integración. Geopolítica de la economía mundial (Development and integration. Geopolitics of world economy). México: Miguel Ángel Porrúa Editores.


(2004) Social Matrix of Globalización, Transactional Analysis Journal, vol. 34, núm, 3. pp. 347-355.

(2015) Las guerras por los recursos y la inviabilidad ecológica del actual sistema-mundo capitalista, Latinidade, vol.7, num. 2, pag.9-60.

(2016) Geopolítica del futuro: guerras por los recursos y el nuevo imperialismo, Svobodnaya misl (en ruso), vol. 8, núm. 4, pag.59-80, revistas

(2018) El (des)orden global contemporáneo: la geopolítica del nuevo meridionalismo. Geopolitica(s), vol. 9, num. 2, pp. 231-251.

(2020) Sistema-mundo y fascismo energético, Latinidade, vol. 12, núm. 1, pp. 11-30.