Sandra Davidović, an IIPE`s Research Assistant, participated in the European Forum Alpbach 2019, as a seminar assistant within the Seminar on the topic “Freedom and Security”. As an assistant at the Seminar “Participatory Leadership – A Practice of Leading by Dialogue and Co-Creation”, Sandra had the opportunity to collaborate with eminent lecturers in this field and become acquainted with the principles of the Art of Hosting methodology within an intensive seven-days programme. The European Forum Alpbach is the unique academic platform which brings together over six hundred top students from over 100 countries each year, as well as many distingished lecturers and political decision makers from Europe and the world. Seminar Week, as the academic centre of the Forum, is founded on interdisciplinarity, open discussion and intergenerational dialogue. Through various academic disciplines, participants discuss current global issues with leading experts – such as Joseph Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs, Tobias Schumacher, Karl Strengger and others.